Italian grinds and tutors in Carlow

Do you live in Carlow or the surrounding area? Are you looking for tutors who can improve your knowledge of Italian? Then LinguaProf is the right place for you!

Don't hesitate and register for free now!

Create an account and follow the 3 steps:

  1. Tell us what level and subject you want
  2. Wait until we have selected the best teacher for you
  3. Start your Italian lessons!

Why choose for LinguaProf in Carlow?

LinguaProf platforms try to be helpful and flexible with your daily life. Here you can see the benefits that we offer you because we care about your education:

  • A professional tutor who is selected based on an interview, resume, and work experience
  • Group courses, that means you can study with more people or individual courses
  • Online courses through Skype on Teams
  • Face to face courses
  • Flexible schedules
  • Registration for free

What will you learn during your classes in Carlow?

Every student can enjoy personalized lessons. We list some of the topics that can be covered:

  • Grammar technique
  • Vocabulary
  • Pronunciation
  • Have a conversation in Italian
  • Learn about Italian culture
  • And more..

What levels does LinguaProf offer?

LinguaProf offers you to choose your level of knowledge. Our teachers are prepared to help you, they are prepared with the necessary materials for you. See from which levels you can choose and what do they mean:

  • A1: a basic level
  • A2: elementary level
  • B1: intermediate level
  • B2: upper-intermediate level
  • C1: advanced level
  • C2: expert

Why should you learn Italian?

we give you 3 interesting facts when you learn Italian:

It improves the functioning of your brain

Research shows that learning a new language improves the functionality of your brain. Problem-solving skills are stimulated and at the same time your memory gets a boost.

Meet new people

Speaking another language is a new way to meet new people.

Many companies are looking for employees who speak Italian

Despite the current economic situation, Italy is still one of the most prosperous countries in the world and the third largest economy in the Eurozone. As a result, many international companies are regularly looking for foreign employees who speak Italian.

Finding a quality teacher has never been this easy!

3 simple steps to start your lessons!

1. Sign up for free

Describe your request and learning goals. Sign up in group or individually.

How it works advantages image

2. Choose between private lessons or join a group

You can join an existing learning group on your level or get a tailored lesson plan.

How it works advantages image

3. Start your lessons

After your first trial lesson you can decide whether or not to continue your lessons.

How it works advantages image

Verified education

We verify all education and teaching certificates of our teachers.


Fudan University


Sep 2019 - Feb 2023

Use MBA skills to manage my classroom and plan lessons.


Jinan University

MA Translation and Interpreting

Sep 2014 - Jul 2016

-Compulsory courses: Translation and interpreting, Literary translation, Non-literary translation, and Introduction of Linguistics -Elective courses: Brief history of translation, Stylistics and translation, Translation of legal text, Translation of science & technology text, Business translation, Lexicology, and Japanese


Verified work experience

Work experience is verified in a personal interview before a teacher can teach on our platform.



Private teacher

May 2024 - present

I am a private teacher. I teach Italian to foreigners and I help Italian kids with their homework


University of Padova

Native speaker moderator for conversation lessons

Apr 2023 - May 2023

I was given a small group of international university students whose level of Italian spoken language was around A1/A2 (CEFR). I organised teaching units on the spoken use of the langiage and addressed some general knowledge about the Italian culture.


How it works image

Prices Italian grinds in Carlow

The costs of lessons depend on the group size, location and topics.

Average price: 14.00EUR/h

Request information Become a teacher

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Start your lessons today!

5/5    120 reviews

  • Verified teachers
  • See teacher reviews
  • Flexible lessons and appointments

Sign up for free

Trial lesson available!

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