English grinds and tutors in Carlow
Did you know that English is one of the most spoken languages in the world? It opens doors privately as well as professionally! Do you live in Carlow or somewhere nearby? Would you like to learn English? At LinguaProf we offer a wide range of tutors who can help you.
Why choose tutors at LinguaProf in Carlow?
At LinguaProf we only offer professional tutors who can broaden your knowledge of English, and we'd like to mention a few more advantages:
- Our tutors are easy to reach, they respond to your questions within an average of 48 hours
- Whenever you want, the tutors give you homework and extra exercises
- You indicate yourself which topics you definitely want to be covered
- You can follow the lessons alone or in a group
- The tutors are flexible in their hours and surroundings
- You can take the lessons online or offline
- And more...
Why learn English?
Learning a language keeps you in good shape, we list a few reasons why you should learn English:
- Bilingual people have significantly more efficient brains and are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease
- You can communicate globally
- You can make new contacts, both on a business and personal level
- More companies are using English as a working or second language
- You learn a new culture
Tips from tutors at LinguaProf!
The tutors at LinguaProf know only too well what it is like to learn a new language, and have already provided a few tips:
- Listen to English music
- Watch movies in English without subtitles
- Dare to talk to people who speak English
- Repeat your lessons
- Practice in front of the mirror
What do English classes look like?
The lessons are personalized for each student, which means that the student himself indicates what should be covered during the lessons. We list a number of examples that can be covered during the lessons:
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Culture
- Sentence structure
- Easy/difficult conversations
- Expressions
- Role play to practice
- Exercises
- And more...
What levels does LinguaProf offer?
LinguaProf offers 6 levels, during the first meeting with your tutor you can see which level you have.
- A1 - beginner
- A2 - elementary
- B1 - pre-intermediate
- B2 - upper intermediate
- C1 - advanced
- C2 - expert
Register now for free and start your English lessons at LinguaProf in Carlow!
After creating your account, follow these 3 steps:
- Indicate which language you want to learn
- Wait for us to match you with the perfect tutor
- Book your English lessons!
Finding a quality teacher has never been this easy!
3 simple steps to start your lessons!
1. Sign up for free
Describe your request and learning goals. Sign up in group or individually.
2. Choose between private lessons or join a group
You can join an existing learning group on your level or get a tailored lesson plan.
3. Start your lessons
After your first trial lesson you can decide whether or not to continue your lessons.
Start your lessons today!
- Verified teachers
- See teacher reviews
- Flexible lessons and appointments
Trial lesson available!